Colton Stephen


Hello, I’m Colton Przybocki. I also use the handle CSPLMT for my online booking site and Instagram. I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2012 and a Certified Lymphedema Therapist since 2023. Currently I’m on track to be a RCST by 2026, which is a Registered CranioSacral Therapist. This is the title used for folks trained specifically in the field of Biodynamic CranioSacral Tharapy. I’ve also engaged in religious, spiritual and energetic studies and practices for most of my life. My passion is helping people feel more freedom and ease in their life. We do this by creating an environment safe enough for clients to drop into their bodies.

It’s only together that we can create a space where change occurs. I truly believe no individual has the power to “heal” or “fix” another. What can happen, with the help of the tools I’ve amassed over a life time of study, we can work together to facilitate lasting change and a progression towards a healthy state, which is unique to each individual client.

A quote I often reflect on (though I don’t know who to attribute it to) is “the wrong modality performed by the right practitioner will always be more effective than the right modality performed by the wrong practitioner.” I find this to be true, as I see it our nervous systems are key to how we move, act and feel in our bodies. If you can’t be comfortable and feel safe with the person working on you how can you ever expect positive change to occur in your body.

We all tend to get caught up in our cultural need for someone have power over us or power over a situation. So much so that we diminish and forget our innate power within. The “power” I’m referring to is the cellular intelligence that brought us from a single fertilized cell all the way to the person you are today, reading this bio.

Working together and helping the body understand and feel its autonomy and regulatory self taking hold, the potential for a more balanced state of being and integrated engagement with life itself knows no bounds.

Thank you for being here, always with love, Colton Przybocki